Attitude: The inner beauty that does the matter
What is trait that the models, actresses and celebrities have that causes them stand out in a crowd? Yes, you are right, it is the attitude that they project to the world. These women that you see on the street, on the movie screen, adorning the pages of your favorite magazines are not the most beautiful women ever created. But don’t tell them that!
All women can be truly beautiful. The sad fact of life is that there are some potentially lovely women out there who are holding on to some very old myths. Some “displaced housewives” who decided to throw all their beauty, health, and diet routines away because the routines were too self-indulgent or complicated. So what do they do with their extra time? They spend it adorning their home or families. Hello? What about adorning the inner house? It is not necessary to give up yourself to love someone else; it is only when you truly love and respect yourself that you can give to others freely.
Keep it simple Begin a “housecleaning” on your body, closet, handbag, cosmetics, and anything else that keeps you from feeling good about yourself and your life.
Stand up straight This sounds so ridiculously simple, but it’s one of the most evidential traits of those women we so admire. Stand against a wall with head, shoulder blades, and heels touching, and buttocks pushed into the wall. Walk away without changing this position. A great posture is a wonderful beginning for your attitude adjustment.
While you’re at it, why don’t you pick up those droopy bra straps? This will help “pick up” both those drooping shoulders and those downward-spiraling breasts.
Make the time Create precious time for yourself by setting the alarm clock thirty minutes earlier than usual. Begin rituals for yourself that will become as important to you as breathing. If you really don’t think that you have enough time during the day, then take it from the minutes wasted on phone calls, shopping, or mindless TV surfing.
Be the star of your own show You should be what people notice. Your cosmetics and clothes should not compete for attention with each other, or with you. Stay with the basics, but invent your own style. If you like the color red, then use it as a consistent accent piece in your wardrobe. Do you have a special collection of pins or bracelets? Show them off; make them your signature. But definitely do not attempt to wear more than two pieces at one time.
Have it your way After years of telling us what to wear and how to wear it, designers have given in to the acceptance that women are not going to be dictated to any more. Finally, after huge rebellions (along with lagging retail sales) in department stores across the country, there is a choice in hem lines, fabrics, and so much more. The result? If you have great legs, feel free to show them off! If you have a lovely waist, accentuate it with a long and elegant ensemble. Play up your food features and hide away those “less than perfect” areas.
Make an effort You owe it to your self-esteem, your family, and friends to try! After all, you don’t like to look at a messy house or office all day, do you? Don’t you really love and admire the majestic artwork? A lovely flower arrangement? Become your own canvas, and recreate yourself.