Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tips - How To Take Care Your Skin

It all begins from within.
On your face and in your body.

Water Water is the number one beauty favored by women of every age. You cannot create beauty without beginning with a clean, clear palette. Forget the very expensive imported waters. If you don’t drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day, you are depriving yourself of the best beauty treatment on Earth. Japanese women spend twice as much time and money on their skin than any other women in the world. That is why they have the most smooth and prettiest skin than other women in the world.

Cleansing The first rules of beautiful skin is to stop over-cleansing it. This is unnecessary habit, especially true of women in this country. Unless you’ve been up all night digging ditches (you poor dear!), your face is not dirty. Your morning routine should be nothing more than reactivating last night’s moisturizer with a splash of warm water or milk. Why milk? Milk is a lactic acid and will allow your face to receive a natural acid treatment.

Please be aware that many of the acids on the market today are synthetic acids that have caused problems with some women. There have been reports of everything from sensitivity rashes to permanent scarring. Be careful of the chemical acids you use, and when you can, substitute nature’s acids in your cleansing routine. In addition to milk, consider these natural acids:

1.       Pineapple juice

2.       Lemon juice

3.       Tomatoes

4.       Most citrus fruits

Toning Toning is you second step, and an important one. The purpose of using a toner is to remove residue soap, moisturizer, and oil. You can spend a lot for a toner (up to $20 and more at some cosmetic counters), or you can do what many famous models do. Carry around lemons. They are refreshing and more effective than those silly toners that contain only a little lemon but lots of chemicals.

Other inexpensive alternatives:

1.       Rose water

2.       Witch hazel

3.       Liquid boric acid

4.      Or try the following refreshing tea tonic: Mix 2 teaspoons of green or chamomile tea with ½ cup water.
         Saturate a cotton ball, and apply all over the face. Allow it to remain on the skin until it evaporates.

Note: There’s never any reason to rinse this or any toner off.

Moisturizing I am happy to pass one of the most ways ever to save money. It is not necessary to spend a lot on a moisturizer. Good basic moisturizers can be found in any drugstore. Just learn to read the labels, and look for these low cost ingredients.

Lipids: Listed as ceramides, cerebrosides, or sphingo lipids.   

Essential fatty acids: Listed as sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and primrose oil.  

Sunscreen: Now available in many moisturizers as a step-saver.


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